
Butterflies and other insects ...

Monday, November 08, 2004

Basking Butterflies

Today when I started my walk about 1:45pm it was drizzling. But in 5 minutes, it stopped up and the sky became clear.

I went to a plot, which had Eucalyptus plantation and was removed about 7-8 months back It has lot of herbs and shrubs growing there now.

I saw lot of butterflies basking in the sun. Most prominent was a Male Danaid Egg Fly (Hypolimnas misippus Linnaeus). Lot of blues ere basking too, but since I ran out of Camera Battery, I could not take many pictures. I will try to visit the same plot frequently and try to identify the Blues.

Other butterflies seen were:
  • Emigrant (Catopsilia pomona Fabricius)
  • Mottled Emigrant (?) (Catopsilia pyranthe Linnaeus)
  • Tawny Coster (Acraea violae Fabricius)
  • Common Grass Yellow (Eurema hecabe Linnaeus)
  • Common Cerulian ()
  • Common Mormon ()
  • Common Rose ()


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